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A Note to aspiring authors

Let me start by saying that anyone can write a book, but not everyone is prepared to endure with it takes to get it done. When I wrote my book, HopeI had no clue what I was in for! I started the book mid-2016 and put it down. At the end of 2017, God reminded me to finish that book. For about 2-3 weeks straight I was up early in the morning and late at night typing. I could not stop!

Once I finished writing the book it was like a big relief, I could breathe but I was not prepared for what was to come next. The only way to properly describe it was it was as if I gave birth and there was a lull. I had released all of my thoughts onto paper and now the work of getting it to the readers began.

I told some of my greatest failures in my book so the fear of being judged came. I told some of my lowest points, so the fear of being questioned by others came as well. Whenever you take a chance at wanting to help others by being transparent, you run the risk of being judged by others. Your desire to help people has to be greater than being judged.

There was a point while writing the book that one of my editors told me to go into more details about my life. I immediately became uncomfortable and defensive and that was signal to me that she was right. This book took faith. Faith that I would help others in spite of how I feel. It also took time. Time away from my family, my quiet time, friends, and sleep. I don’t know what is on the other side of this book launch but I can tell you that I am excited!

For anyone contemplating writing a book (we all have a story in us), prepare for the ups and downs, writers’ block, and frustrations, but also prepare to help others. Helping others trumps every other emotion.

Be ready for the work that comes after writing, find a great editor, set aside time daily to work on it, be in a great headspace when writing. I had to write in the same type of setting because that relaxed me, do what works for you but do it consistently. Create a notepad on your phone or keep a pad with you because you never know when an idea or thought for the book will come to you. Also, find time to get away from it all, trust me, you will need it. The time to decompress helps you through the writing process.  A clear mind is a creative mind.

Be bold, be confident, be strategic, and last but not least be ready for the success that will come from your sacrifices. I welcome any questions that anyone would have about the book writing process!

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