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That is one of my favorite sermons of all times.  There was a pastor from Denver, Colorado that I heard one time and his sermon was titled “Who told you that”.  Take it back to when God was talking to Adam after he and Eve had eaten the forbidden fruit.  When God asked Adam where he was Adam said I hid because we are naked.  God asked him “who told you that?”

I loved asking people who told you that because it gives them time to think about their answer.  We make most moves in our lives based on what we believe about ourselves and the perceptions that we have come from somewhere.  How we love ourselves is reflected in our lives decisions and in most things in my life I like to think about why I do what I do.

“Who told you that” friendships where you feel like you are being used and you choose to stay in them were ok?

“Who told you that” you don’t have to set boundaries and let people disrespect your time, money and talents?

“Who told you that” it matters what others have to say about you?

We can make up a long list of “who told you that’s” that will cause you to think an that’s a great thing.

I have learned that at the end of the day the only voice that has to sit well with me is God’s and the same goes for you.  Will it rub some people the wrong way?  Absolutely, but always remember that no one has to answer to God for your life but YOU.

Surround yourself with others that can respect your boundaries (FYI, there will be very few) but will also challenge you to grow.  Speak life into those people and allow them to do the same for you.  God blesses us through relationships with others, so be open to that.

Lean on those that you know are truly rooting for you when it gets hard (oh trust me it will).  Hold on to what you know you are meant to do with all of your heart and by all means don’t give up.  Someone is waiting for your testimony to make it through!!!!

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