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What’s wrong with “sexy” after breast cancer?  My answer is there is nothing wrong with it, the problem is figuring out what it is.  This may be different for you, but I was diagnosed when I was 28 years old.  I share this because I was still “getting my sexy on” being so young.

I had talks with older women and they told me not to get the corrective surgeries, that they didn’t matter.  They mattered to me!  They mattered a whole lot.  I don’t regret one single bit that I opted to get them and I can’t imagine how hard it would be for me if I hadn’t.  I felt like I gained my femininity back after cancer tried to take it.  I hear so many people, men and women alike, ask “that’s outward, what’s the big deal?”  Or they say “it’s what’s on the inside that matters”.  I have gotten very good at ignoring those questions/opinions, unless they have walked a mile in my shoes.

Then we have THE SCARS, in fact after having three surgeries, I have a lot of them.  The scars have and still can be hard to look at at times.  It is becoming easier to look at them when I think of the fact that I am still here.  They tell my story of survival, strength, and endurance.  This thing called “life after cancer” is a marathon.

I get to determine what sexy is to me.  Sexy is my smile because it tells my story of survival.  Sexy is me in my jeans,  Nikes and a ponytail on a rainy day.  Sexy is a fitted dress when I got out on a date with my husband.  Sexy is having a big dinner with my family and watching them all laugh and smile because we love joking with one another.  Sexy is being able to cry when life after cancer gets the best of me.  Sexy is being vulnerable enough to talk about my fears.  Sexy is going to church on Sundays and fellowshipping, helping those in my community, having great friendships, and eating seafood.

              Sexy is whatever I say it is for me….what is it for you?

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