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What does The Mercedes Wilson Show and Buffalo Video Production have in common?

Happy New Year everyone!  I hope that you are all pursuing your dreams like never before and that it started before the New Year.

2018 was a crazy year for me, and to top it all off, I joined the Now Network!  The Now Network is a urban christian station that airs in states such as Tennessee, Kansas, South Caroline, Florida, Georgia, Detroit and more.  It also airs in Roku TV and Klowd TV for those outside of those states listed above.

This happening blows my mind.  You want to know why?   I am so glad you asked……1. Last year was a busy and rough year for me.  Everyone assumes that the person they are watching has it easier than them.  Well, he/she is doing well so the red carpet must have been laid for them correct?  That could not be any further from the truth!  Building relationships is key.  If you do bad business or treat people bad, you most likely won’t get very far.  Relationships mean that there will be times that you disagree and still have to work with others with a smile.  Respect is not out of date and it never will be.  Disagreements don’t mean that you cut people off.  They mean just the opposite, you learn to compromise and become a well rounded person!  I learned a lot about others, and more importantly, about myself.  I learned that there are other views besides mine that matter and that I was robbing myself of growth.

2. I had to change a lot. I got to connect with a lot of great people and approached these relationships with a humble heart.  When surrounded by others full of wisdom, I come to life!  I love to learn.  I want to learn as much as I can by watching and talking to others.  This also means taking constructive criticism about what I can get better at.  It was very frustrating at times, but I am so grateful now that I have this awesome opportunity in front of me.  The pieces are coming together, but it took work!

The bottom line is, that in the last year we have all taken some hits and learned some grave lessons.  Guess what though??  We are still here and have work to do!!!

Katherine Lucas (Photos courtesy Ally Spongr)

Jon Ferrari (Photos courtesy Ally Spongr)

I started out my 2018 having the Mercedes Wilson Show on a radio station here in Buffalo NY and now I am so excited to announce that it will be on the Now Network!!!  This was not happenstance, this took work.  While speaking with a mentor I was told about Buffalo Video Production, owned by the great Katherine Lucas.  Her and I spoke and when I told her of the vision, she was immediately on board.  This partnership is so important to me for several reasons, but one of the top reasons is how she operates in business.  The professionalism is unmatched.  Along with her knowledge and integrity, she truly believes in this show.  Jon Ferrari, will be the editor of The Mercedes Wilson Show, and his work makes me grin from ear to ear.  It’s amazing to get to work with people that care about their work and make sure that it represents exactly who you are!   Producing the show, along  with myself, is one of the best in the business…Caprice Butts!  Her resume speaks for itself and I am delighted to work with her and watch this show grow leaps and bounds.

Our production assistant is Tamika Maclin.  Her personality is perfect and describing her as a “people person” is an understatement.  Working as account executive, Tianna Anderson.  Her work speaks for itself.  Working on our media is Tamyara Brown, a 7 time author and media guru.  We are excited and ready to work!!!

I write all of this to express my excitement about my show, invite you to watch it (every Tuesday at 1:30-2pm on the Now Network starting Feb 26, 2019), and encourage you.  The hard times don’t mean that it’s over, they mean that growth is required for the stuff that is about to come!  You can NOT  be elevated and stay the way you are!  Stay humble, hungry, and build those relationships!

Thank you for your prayers, financial support, and kind words!  It’s time to work!!!!

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