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My friends, the Tuckers, relocated from Cincinnati and boy am I happy!  This dish not only reminds them of home, but it is also a great dish to eat during a football game or even a cold winter day.  I tried it both over pasta and with a hotdog and both were absolutely delicious.
The history of this sauce is quite fascinating as well, so be sure to watch this whole segment to get a little history lesson!  I love having guests like the Tuckers,  because not only are they a great couple that add to the Buffalo community in so many ways, but they also bring what they know with them and share it with others.  We poked fun at each other with our love for our favorite football teams, but the camaraderie was there for sure.  Our love for the Buffalo community is one that will forever be there and that I appreciate more than anything!  Enjoy this dish!!!!



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Recipes for Life Food Segments Sponsored by Evans Bank & Niagara Produce

Mercedes’ Outfits Provided by – Clothes Mentor & Platos Closet

Hair Stylist – Steven Daniels

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