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The 2nd most powerful action in the Bible

As a Christian, it is known, and I agree, that the most powerful thing in the bible is when God sent his only son to die for our sins. After all, this is the reason that we can all profess to be Christians right?

The fact that someone came and took my place in all of my sin is powerful.  I have chance after chance after chance (I could say that forever) to get it right and please God with my heart (and physical) actions of obedience.  It’s amazing to think that WE were so desired by our Creator that he wrapped himself in flesh in form of His son Jesus and paid the ultimate sacrifice.  Yes!  He wanted to connect with us that much!  It’s unheard of and there will not be another like Him.  It is that same blood that was shed on the cross that allows every single one of us to make mistakes, repent, grow, and still fulfill what we were put here to do.

I want to talk about another part of the bible that gets me every time.  It’s ONE VERSE: Genesis 1: 3- And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.  We have all heard it in church. We have heard creation read to us.  It’s often a pre curser to talk about Adam and Eve or how awesome God is for creating so many different types of creatures, OR, the big one, to talk about how we have dominion over the fish of the sea and every creepy crawly thing right?

Reread it: Genesis 1: 3- And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.

The bible starts out talking about how there is darkness on the face of the earth…did it hit you yet?

Imagine not seeing a single thing, just darkness, and with a  few spoken words there is something you see developing in that same place of desolation.  Think about your life, family, job, ministry, friends……what lies in the midst of the darkness that you can’t see?  So much!

The authority that it takes to look into darkness and create all that the bible describes afterwards should blow our minds.  The ability to look into a situation that is desolate and start pulling things out of it, the ability to see light in the midst of darkness, and the ability to call that light forward, takes authority.

So many of us are in a dark place in one area or another…..maybe confused, maybe hurt by life’s circumstances, or just plain tired!  Take an example from our source, see and create some light IN HIS STRENGTH.  You know the One who created them both and when it was time, spoke to the darkness, created the light, and then pulled out of a void earth all that we see today for resources.  You know the One with the authority.  I love Gods creativity, sense of humor, and ability to help us see light in a dark place.

You may ask, how do I see and create some light in God’s strength?  In some cases, it’s kind words to a very tense relationship (there’s scriptures for that), sometimes it’s silence (there’s scriptures for this as well), and sometimes it’s getting direction on what the next move should be for your teenager.  It may even be linking up with someone who has been there and done that to get pure wisdom(Read your bible!! This is in there too!).


Speaking light in the darkness is the 2nd most powerful action in the Bible, in my opinion.  To take nothing and make it something spectacular is mind blowing when you have no blue print to go off of to begin with.  I have heard and love the saying a clear mind is a creative mind.  When you can cast your cares on God and realize that it’s in Him that we gain our strength, there  is a wave of peace and clarity that can overtake you.  Whatever you are carrying, give it to him, I promise you won’t be disappointed!  Ask for help in your dark place and then open your eyes and look at it again.  When those around you ask HOW?  Let your answer forever be ” I get if from my daddy”.  You get the authority to change situations from your daddy!  You get the ability to see and transform things in your life (through work and obedience) from your daddy.  You get the strength to carry out the plan from your daddy.

What do you see in the dark desolate place now that you have given it to God? I am not speaking of any God, only the One that has engraved you on the palms of his hands and has our walls are ever before him(Isaiah 49:16).  Let that sink in.


The Mercedes Wilson Show is airing on The NOW Network starting Feb 26, 2019.  Learn how you can support, stay up on the latest news, and get your copy of Hope today to find out how God turned my darkest hours into my testimony:


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