Who doesn’t love a good banana split? I personally love a good strawberry ice cream in a waffle cone with the chunks of strawberry still in it! It takes me back to my childhood summers with my parents as a child. My friend Lisa from Anderson’s is that lady for her neighborhood, the ice cream lady! She knows all of the tricks to the best treats and knows how to make them look amazing as well. This feature will show you just how good she is, just you watch!

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Party Sized Banana Split:
- 2 quarts vanilla ice cream
- 2 quarts strawberry ice cream
- 2 quarts chocolate ice cream
- 6 bananas
- 1 pint chocolate syrup
- 1 pint pineapple topping
- 1 pint strawberries
- 1 can whipped cream
- ½ cup sprinkles or chopped nuts
Also Needed:
- Wallpaper Tray
To Assemble:
- Let quarts sit out for a couple minutes to soften them. (only a few!!)
- Scoop out the ice cream into the wallpaper tub- strawberry, vanilla, chocolate
(If you slit open the sides of the quarts you should be more easily able to simply dump the ice cream into the container)
- Unpeel the bananas and slice lengthwise then place into tub next to ice cream
- Pour the strawberries over the strawberry ice cream
- Pour the chocolate over the chocolate ice cream
- Pour the pineapple over the vanilla ice cream
- Apply whipped cream across the entire split
- Sprinkle the nuts/sprinkles across the whipped cream
To Serve:
- Have guests scoop up their desired amount and section of the split!
Beachy Summer Sundaes!
- Assorted ice cream flavors of your choice
- “Sand” – crushed up graham cereal or crushed butter cookies
- “Beach Goers” – Mermaid Snacks, Teddy Graham Bears, Sour Patch Kids
- “inner tubes”- lifesaver gummi snacks
- “Ocean Blue Water”- blue cake frosting
- “White Foam Waves”- white cake frosting or marshmallow topping
Also Needed:
- Beach Buckets or Sand Toys or Frisbees to serve sundae in
- Any summer toy that can be used as a container and then it is a bonus that your little guest can take it home!
To Assemble:
- Scoop ice cream into your container
- Create the sandy beach by putting spoonfuls of sand around the ice cream
- And then create your ocean using your blue frosting and white frosting or marshmallow topping
- Put your Beach goers on the sand or place them in your ocean for a swim
- Use your beach shovel to serve!
Ice Cream Breakfast Ideas & Treats – Ice Cream Pancakes / Waffles
- Pancakes or waffles
- Toppings- Ice Cream of various kinds
- Sauces and Topping: Strawberries, Blueberries, Raspberries, Sprinkles, Whipped Cream
To Assemble:
- Have guests create their own delicious pancake and ice cream creations as they see fit
Ice Cream Coffee or Orange Juice Floats-
Put a scoop of your favorite ice cream into your coffee like Greta Anderson taught me or into OJ
Donut Ice Cream Treats:
- Donut holes or mini muffins
- Pretzel Stick
- Sugar Cone or Regular Cone
To Assemble:
- Put one donut hole into the cone
- Then Skewer the bottom hole with a pretzel stick and add a 2nd donut and so on
Marshmallow Ice Cream Treats:
- Marshmallow treat bars
- Frosting
- Sprinkles
To Assemble:
- Roll the marshmallow bars into shape of an ice cream scoop
- Put some frosting on top of the scoop and then dip into sprinkles
- Spread some frosting around edge of cone to secure the scoop onto onto cone
- Put Marshmallow scoop onto cone
Cotton Candy Ice Cream Cone Treats
- Cotton Candy
- Gumball or Round Candy
- Sugar or Regular Cone
- Clear treat bag
To Assemble:
- Roll the cotton candy into an ice cream scoop shape
- Put candy on top in middle (could secure with a touch of frosting)
- Put the scoop onto the cone
- Wrap in plastic treat bag and tie closed with ribbon
Play Dough Ice Cream Take Home Prize
- Play dough
- Sugar or Regular Cone
To Assemble:
- Roll play dough into and ice cream cone shape
- Place it onto cone
- Wrap entire cone and dough with treat bag and tie shut with ribbon
Recipes for Life Food Segments Sponsored by Evans Bank & Niagara Produce
Mercedes’ Outfits Provided by – Clothes Mentor & Platos Closet
Hair Stylist – Steven Daniels