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This recipes for life embodies what the mission is.  Linda took something that she did as a child, made it into something that she loves to do as an adult and is now sharing it with us all. She did say that P B & J is not a flavor that she and her husband George don’t carry, but let me tell you, I have had their pierogi’s and they are DELICIOUS!  When Linda told me what she was going to put together, my heart got so excited and when I tried it, I literally just felt joy and I know you will too! Pull up some chairs for the little people in your life, clear some counter space and please try this recipe with them!  It will make for amazing family time – I can promise you that 100%




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Recipes for Life Food Segments Sponsored by The Gatas Real Estate Team

Mercedes’ Outfits Provided by – Clothes Mentor & Platos Closet

Hair Stylist – Steven Daniels

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