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Guess who I have the honor of having in my kitchen?  That’s right, the #1 WKA Cruiserweight Champion in the United States and #1 North American Champion in the United States –  thee Joe Taylor!    My family loves seafood and pasta, so it was only right that I create a dish that incorporated both.  When Joe told me that he was not a huge lobster fan simply because he had not tried some that made him love it, I knew that I had a challenge ahead of me and I was was up it!  This dish was a big hit!!

Cooking has always been a passion of mine because eating is something that I love to do – lol, just being honest.  I love trying new dishes, experiencing different flavors together and learning the reason behind these flavors coming together.  This dish is very simple but delicious. The story is super simple as well, it’s a family favorite and now I can say, champ approved, so ENJOY!


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Try Our Recipe

Lobster Pasta



Recipes for Life Food Segments Sponsored by Evans Bank & Niagara Produce

Mercedes’ Outfits Provided by – Clothes Mentor & Platos Closet

Hair Stylist – Steven Daniels

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