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For the last few years, I have written articles for different magazines.  I have loved and appreciated every single opportunity and will continue to do so! Breast cancer awareness month is special to so many that have survived and lost someone to this nasty disease.  I hope this encourages you.

While most of you already know my story of surviving breast cancer, some don’t.  I was diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer at the age of 28.  This experience changed my life forever.  While I always talk about how tough this was, I have to say, I gained a new family of warrior sisters that I love.

This year I stepped out and tried something new…..a magazine issue that highlights my sisters that I edited!  I also had the pleasure of having a survivor sister (Tamyara Brown) be the copy editor.  This issue is literally written about survivors by survivors.

The photoshoot that you see in this issue was so heartfelt.  We warriors bonded in ways we will never forget.

I have to say thank you to Ally Spongr.  She did the photos with no hesitation.  I also have to thank Cece Carson for making sure this got put up on my website.  It truly takes a village to make great things happen.  Thanks to all that wrote articles.  This will touch so many lives.

We hope you enjoy this issue.  Share with those you love.  This is only year one of my own digital magazine!!!!

SEXY IS A STATE OF MIND!!!(Thank you Melanie Hicks for the name!)

See you all next year.

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