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I short myself, even while in the bliss of my blessings!

God will bless me with something and I tend to say “Thanks!  I got it from here”.  I may even recite scriptures like “The blessing of the Lord makes one rich and adds so sorrow with it”(Proverbs 10:22) in my joy!  I can’t deny, God has and is still so good to me.  I have a problem though, I tend to coast on His blessings.  Can you relate?

The bible says without faith it is impossible to please God(Hebrews 11:6) so I try my best, in His grace, to exercise my faith.  What happens when God blesses your faith is the question.  Do we then take the blessing and say “I will take it from here”?  The fact is that when we do that we are coasting and that will one day slow down and come to a complete stop.  Even while enjoying the blessings of God, we need Him.  In our bliss of reaping the benefits of what we have sown in obedience, we still need direction.  It’s God desire that we live in the world of overflow.  We can short ourselves by taking a small piece of the the blessing and running with it.

Let me give you an example.  I am going to use one that anyone in a relationship can relate to.  Say your friend, spouse, cousin, mom, anyone you love, plans a day for you.  They set it up where every two hours they bless you with something, but you have no clue.  You wake up thinking this day is just like the rest.  When you open your door on the way out for the day they are standing there with a gift!  That gift is flowers, and boy do you love flowers!  You say thank you and go back in the house to put them in a vase.  You hover over your garbage can, cut the flowers at the bottom and pour the plant food in the perfectly tempered water and then set your beautiful flowers in the vase.  Man this makes your kitchen pop!

This lifted your spirits for the week, last week was a rough one, but not this week!  NOPE! You post the flowers on social media, turn on some music, do a two step, light a candle and even take a moment to weep bc you feel so special.

What you don’t realized is there was more!  Remember how you cut off the bottom of the flowers?  You didn’t notice that there was a note attached to the bottom of them with instructions for what to do every two hours of that day.  You left the person that delivered them on the porch that was waiting for you to open them and come back out!  If you would have taken the time read the note it would have said: 1. Put these flowers in your favorite vase, but save two of the dozen for your sister down the street that is going through a divorce.  This will stop her from contemplating suicide today, let me minister to her through you.  2. I put it on the heart of the person that blessed you to include a gift card for your favorite lunch and dinner spots as well.  I know you funds are tight but I am still your provider, so enjoy yourself.  3.  They wrote a scripture on the back of that gift card that will answer a prayer that you have been bombarding heaven about.

I have been the person that sees what is right in front of me and what was given had other things attached to it.  The new friend that you have been praying for comes with a network of positive men or women attached to them that you have been praying for…just look.  The new church that you joined has a group of youth that will welcome you into their singles group and you will find peace in your singleness.  Don’t just show up on Sundays, ask God what is below the surface and get the fullness of his blessings.

Attached to every blessing, God has more for every single one of us.  It’s never just about us and it’s never just what you see on the surface with God!

God help me not to get so excited that I coast on the surface of the blessing, help me to realize that there is always more with you!



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