I love doing things with my daughter. I recognize that she is a teenager and that it’s not cool to hang with mom, so I maximize on every opportunity that we have. A couple of years ago, a friend invited me and the kids to go apple picking. We went and had a blast but boy did we have a ton of apples! Gabby and I tried different dishes and the apple pie turned out to be fabulous! We started making them for our friends and family and before we knew it the community was ordering from us.
We spent just about every weekend one summer doing apple pies. Gabby loved the extra cash and had a great time shopping for the stuff she loved! There were so many great conversations that came from making those pies together and I will never forget that. Apple pies brought my daughter and I closer together. It’s because of this that I am so glad that we get to share this with you and I hope you find someone you love and try the recipe!
Join Gabby and I as we make our addicting apple pie while we have a little girl talk! P.s. The BEST pie crust is the great value brand from Walmart! It’s so flaky and delicious!!!!
I still think about my Grandma Holloway often, and still have to hold back tears. I remember her laugh, the sternness in her voice and most importantly, her cooking. She was ALWAYS in the kitchen and she cared about whether you liked the meal too. I often think about that when I feed folks. I always want to know what people think of the dish, and I got that from her.
She and my grandpa had eleven children together, so they could not afford take-out. We all ate from the garden in their backyard. They put so much work into this garden for so many years!
Mercedes & Her Grandma
When Grandma would cook, I would pull up a stool in the kitchen and just watch her go. From the garden to the kitchen, from the fridge to the counter – cutting and adding things to the pot, it was non-stop. Right after breakfast, she started on dinner. She was washing veggies, cutting meat, seasoning dishes and singing while doing it all. To this day, I don’t cook without music.
I miss my grandmother so much and I will always hold our memories dear to my heart. In memory of her, I hope you enjoy her famous greens, cha cha relish and cornbread recipes!
We all have a story. It’s what we do with it that matters. Mine is a complicated one and one that still has a lot of chapters to be written and boy am I excited! Since I was a child, I have loved food. When I was making breakfast, lunch was already on my mind. That is why talking food with one of the AM Buffalo Co-Hosts Melanie Camp makes me so excited! My new friends at AM Buffalo have welcomed me with open arms to cook food with others and share amazing recipes while we share the stories behind the dishes. Today – we’re starting with Shrimp on the Barbie!
Food is what I call the “great equalizer”. Food has the ability to bring together strangers, mend broken relationships and provide a place for loved ones to create unforgettable memories.
You will get all types of recipes from these segments. Make sure to stay tuned, you are guaranteed to stay full and happy!
God will bless me with something and I tend to say “Thanks! I got it from here”. I may even recite scriptures like “The blessing of the Lord makes one rich and adds so sorrow with it”(Proverbs 10:22) in my joy! I can’t deny, God has and is still so good to me. I have a problem though, I tend to coast on His blessings. Can you relate?
The bible says without faith it is impossible to please God(Hebrews 11:6) so I try my best, in His grace, to exercise my faith. What happens when God blesses your faith is the question. Do we then take the blessing and say “I will take it from here”? The fact is that when we do that we are coasting and that will one day slow down and come to a complete stop. Even while enjoying the blessings of God, we need Him. In our bliss of reaping the benefits of what we have sown in obedience, we still need direction. It’s God desire that we live in the world of overflow. We can short ourselves by taking a small piece of the the blessing and running with it.
Let me give you an example. I am going to use one that anyone in a relationship can relate to. Say your friend, spouse, cousin, mom, anyone you love, plans a day for you. They set it up where every two hours they bless you with something, but you have no clue. You wake up thinking this day is just like the rest. When you open your door on the way out for the day they are standing there with a gift! That gift is flowers, and boy do you love flowers! You say thank you and go back in the house to put them in a vase. You hover over your garbage can, cut the flowers at the bottom and pour the plant food in the perfectly tempered water and then set your beautiful flowers in the vase. Man this makes your kitchen pop!
This lifted your spirits for the week, last week was a rough one, but not this week! NOPE! You post the flowers on social media, turn on some music, do a two step, light a candle and even take a moment to weep bc you feel so special.
What you don’t realized is there was more! Remember how you cut off the bottom of the flowers? You didn’t notice that there was a note attached to the bottom of them with instructions for what to do every two hours of that day. You left the person that delivered them on the porch that was waiting for you to open them and come back out! If you would have taken the time read the note it would have said: 1. Put these flowers in your favorite vase, but save two of the dozen for your sister down the street that is going through a divorce. This will stop her from contemplating suicide today, let me minister to her through you. 2. I put it on the heart of the person that blessed you to include a gift card for your favorite lunch and dinner spots as well. I know you funds are tight but I am still your provider, so enjoy yourself. 3. They wrote a scripture on the back of that gift card that will answer a prayer that you have been bombarding heaven about.
I have been the person that sees what is right in front of me and what was given had other things attached to it. The new friend that you have been praying for comes with a network of positive men or women attached to them that you have been praying for…just look. The new church that you joined has a group of youth that will welcome you into their singles group and you will find peace in your singleness. Don’t just show up on Sundays, ask God what is below the surface and get the fullness of his blessings.
Attached to every blessing, God has more for every single one of us. It’s never just about us and it’s never just what you see on the surface with God!
God help me not to get so excited that I coast on the surface of the blessing, help me to realize that there is always more with you!
This life is busy, and sometimes I feel like my schedule is running and dragging me behind it. There is work, personal responsibilities, family activities, and also serving in Ministry. Then we wonder why we are always tired. How do we find rest?
Many years ago, at the start of my Spiritual Healing Journey, I came to a crossroads. I had suffered from severe depression for decades. Part of me didn’t feel interested in being around people, and wanted to stay in my turtle shell, alone. Another part of me felt like I needed a distraction from my sorrows. I chose the road of distraction from my sorrows, and started attending various events and studies at a nearby church. Before long, I found myself gone 5-6 nights per week, serving in various capacities. Serving the Lord, by serving His people in Ministry, was wonderful! It took my mind off of my own troubles, which, of course, was the goal, right? The problem was that I became so busy that it started to wear me out. I was getting Ministry “burn-out” because I had not sought God’s input on where/how I should serve. Another issue, which I never realized until later in my Healing, was that I was busy “doing” but not “being.” There is a big difference between doing things FOR God and spending time WITH God. At the time, I felt productive and refocused away from depression, but I wasn’t taking enough time to LISTEN to what God wanted to SAY to me, about ME.
We find a similar situation in Luke 10:38-42. Martha was busy doing tasks FOR Jesus, while her sister, Mary, was sitting and spending time WITH Jesus. Martha’s heart was in the right place: fixing food, serving and showing hospitality toward Jesus and the other guests. Mary was not helping her do those tasks that were customary of those hosting, but instead she was resting at the feet of Jesus, listening to everything He said. Martha became frustrated in her solo responsibility and asked Jesus to tell Mary to help her with the work. Jesus’ response in Luke 10:42 still rings true today: “Mary has discovered the ONE THING that is necessary/needed/worth being concerned about, and it will not be taken away from her (paraphrased from several translations).” The truth is, sitting at the feet of Jesus, listening to what He is saying, is the only thing we truly NEED, and when we CHOOSE to spend that time, the value of it will not be removed from us. It will change our lives forever! We do this today through prayer, personal worship, and meditating on the Scripture.
As my Healing journey continued, the Lord directed me to new ways to listen to Him, and I began spending more time in prayer and journaling our talks together. He began showing me the Ministries that best utilized my Spiritual Gifts. Those tasks that interfered with this new Intimacy I found with Jesus, or did not fit His direction in my life, were taken off of my schedule. It required me to say “No” to some opportunities presented to me, but it brought me Peace. 3 years ago, the Lord also healed me completely from depression! Praise God for His Healing touch! Today, my schedule is pretty busy, but the burn-out is gone because the time I spend in Ministry is focused on those specific things The Lord has anointed and appointed me to do. I live an intentional life of Purpose, and in that, while also sitting at the feet of Jesus, I find REST!
Lystra Aloha Lani Wilson was born and raised in beautiful Southern California. She has three adult children, and currently, one grandchild. She has been writing and editing since high school. She loves writing poetry, short stories, and Devotionals. She is also an avid reader.
Lystra is an Entrepreneur, starting her first small business at the young age of 12. It is her gift of Leadership and Organization that fuels her passion toward Kingdom Business Ownership and Management to this very day.
Lystra is an Ordained Minister and Anointed Teacher of the Word of God. She spends the majority of her time serving in Ministry and Preaching the Gospel! She has a Women’s Ministry, called Women Inspire Women, which is her current platform for Teaching and Inspiring people all over the world. She is also an Anointed Worshipper and Intercessor, singing and praying since before Kindergarten.
“It is my sincere desire to Inspire others, through my Ministries, to receive Healing, Deliverance, and to find the God-intended Purpose for their lives. I pray that each person I encounter leaves me in a better state than they came. God Bless you and your Families.”
Author: Lystra Wilson Lystra Aloha Lani Wilson-Founder of Women Inspire Women
Have you noticed the level of hopelessness in the world today? People are running to everything manufactured by man, in hopes to attain peace, happiness, pleasure, etc. But these things and practices only produce temporary results, at best. We are willing to talk to friends, strangers, therapists, and even pastors, but no one is willing to TALK TO GOD. Some churches even teach that we need to come to a man to confess our sins rather than going directly to God, which is not what the Bible teaches [1 John 1:9]. Why don’t people PRAY?? The Bible tells us that we should always pray [Luke 18:1] and never stop [1 Thessalonians 5:17] because when we do this we will find God working on our behalf, moving roadblocks, and answering our requests [Luke 18:7].
I have many prayer books on my shelf that have been given to me as thoughtful gifts over the years, and I love them! Such beautifully Inspired Prayers! I have often looked up prayers on particular topics and read those prayers aloud in my personal prayer time, or when I couldn’t seem to find the words to pray at a particular moment. I also have a book by John Eckhardt, Prayers That Rout Demons, I have used to pray specific prayers with others as we did battle in prayer together regarding specific demonic presence or principalities during our Journey of Soul Healing, to break strongholds from our lives, using words written by this Anointed Apostle in the Faith who has more experience in these areas of deliverance. This book has given us language for specific areas where we had limited understanding. There is certainly a place for pre-written prayers in our personal devotional time and for specific needs, but I disagree with using these written prayers in a corporate setting and/or during church service. Let me explain why.
As I stated above, I utilized my Prayer books when I couldn’t find the words to say, but as I grew in my relationship with God, through Prayer, reading the Word, and Worship, I no longer needed “someone else’s words” to speak to God in Prayer. I developed my own language in Prayer with my Savior. As I continued to show up, I began to recognize His Voice in that space, and I began to pray what the Holy Spirit LED ME to pray. This is where the true POWER comes in Prayer, especially in a corporate setting! When I’m praying by myself, The Lord leads me to Thank Him, Praise Him, pray specific things for myself and my family, make Declarations over myself and my circumstance, repent of things I have done wrong, and to intercede for others. When I pray in a corporate setting (like church service), the Lord leads me to some of those same places: thanksgiving, repentance, declarations, and requests. The manner of Prayer doesn’t usually change, BUT the amazing thing is…when I pray my own words (as He leads me), not reading from a book…He is giving me “fresh manna” at that moment, for those people, in real time. The words in that book, prayed from a sincere heart will certainly go forth to accomplish something, but those pre-written words cannot possibly cover the specific people and circumstances that are sitting in front of us at church, on that particular day. What does God want to do RIGHT NOW? What is He declaring over us RIGHT NOW? Whom does He want to heal or deliver RIGHT NOW? When we can close the Prayer book and open our ears to hear what the Holy Spirit is leading us to pray at that particular moment, in that setting, for those people, the Holy Spirit has an opportunity to penetrate the hearts and circumstances of each person receiving that Prayer. He will create a fresh canvas and paint a beautiful picture in Prayer, tailored for that precise moment in time, touching each heart and mind willing to be touched by God Almighty! That is not something that a prayer book can accomplish, which is why I do not agree with using it in a church service. Now, that does not make it obsolete by any means, but personally, I feel it keeps us in a box that the Holy Spirit wants to release us from. Maybe use the Prayer book as a jump-off point to Prayer, but then close it, listen to what the Spirit of God is saying, and come into agreement with Him in the words we SPEAK in OUR OWN heaven-crafted Prayers, following what we just read.
Guess what? The enemy is counting on us being so wrapped up in our circumstances that we are too confused to pray. He is hoping we will agree to speak ABOUT our difficult situation rather than AGAINST it. If we can stay in COMPLAINT rather than GRATITUDE and FAITH, he is winning, and he can keep us doing circles in our wilderness, just like the Israelites. He knows that if we begin speaking to God, instead of man, things will begin to change…WE will begin to change! His goal is to keep us LOUD in complaints, but SILENT in Prayer, because he knows that our words have POWER! Negative words increase Strongholds while positive words of Declaration, specifically speaking God’s Word (Scripture), bring Deliverance! [Proverbs 18:21] When we stay distant from God and do not pray for ourselves, we are cutting off His POWER flow into our lives. Of course, receiving prayer from someone Spiritually trustworthy is great. We should always seek prayer when we need that support, but we cannot neglect our own personal prayers. God has given US Authority over our own territory in the Kingdom! [Luke 10:19] OUR mouth is what rules OUR bodies, OUR families, and OUR environment. So when we refuse to speak the Word of God in Prayer, everything around us is lacking in Victory.
Some of us may feel inadequate in this area, not knowing the words to say, or how to approach God in prayer. Many times, because of a broken, lacking or abusive relationship with our earthly fathers, we may feel intimidated approaching our Heavenly Father. Rest assured that prayer is simply a conversation between us and God, and He loves us so much [John 3:16]. Just remember that a conversation is 2-way, so when you have finished pouring your heart out to Him, remember to sit quietly with journal and pen in hand, because He definitely wants to respond to YOU, personally. Write down whatever you hear in those quiet times with Jesus, date it, and keep it for future reference. It may be an important piece of your puzzle later. Prayer isn’t hard or a complex mystery, it simply requires us to open our mouths and talk to our Heavenly Father. He is a Good Father, He is in a good mood, and He always welcomes us with open arms. It is imperative that we PRAY…talk to GOD…open our mouths and PRAY the Word of God over our lives…Declare TRUTH over our circumstances and our families…PRAY…and when we have finished Praying…STAND FIRM [Ephesians 6:13]…then PRAY some more, knowing that God is working on our behalf to accomplish His Will in our lives and in His Kingdom!
Keep Praying
Lystra Aloha Lani Wilson-Founder of Women Inspire Women
Lystra Aloha Lani Wilson was born and raised in beautiful Southern California. She has three adult children, and currently, one grandchild. She has been writing and editing since high school. She loves writing poetry, short stories, and Devotionals. She is also an avid reader.
Lystra is an Entrepreneur, starting her first small business at the young age of 12. It is her gift of Leadership and Organization that fuels her passion toward Kingdom Business Ownership and Management to this very day.
Lystra is an Ordained Minister and Anointed Teacher of the Word of God. She spends the majority of her time serving in Ministry and Preaching the Gospel! She has a Women’s Ministry, called Women Inspire Women, which is her current platform for Teaching and Inspiring people all over the world. She is also an Anointed Worshipper and Intercessor, singing and praying since before Kindergarten.
“It is my sincere desire to Inspire others, through my Ministries, to receive Healing, Deliverance, and to find the God-intended Purpose for their lives. I pray that each person I encounter leaves me in a better state than they came. God Bless you and your Families.”
Find Lystra Wilson on all of her social media platforms:
How many times have we seen someone with a disability, or maybe even someone with a certain struggle and ask “what did you do to deserve this?” The person proceeds to say “nothing” and then we ask “well what did your parents do?”
I have friends and family that have gone through this over the years and it infuriates me. The looks that they get from us that say “poor you” or “hhmm, what did you do?” I have seen it, heard it, and experienced it personally, and let me tell you, God does not make mistakes.
Now, before I go into this, let’s put it out there…..there are many times in the bible that God explains to someone that their current decisions will effect their family for generations to come. We are all very aware that the decisions we make today, can effect our children, and in some cases, our grandchildren. They benefit from our good decisions and reap from the bad. I myself have had to work through some issues that were generational, some learned and some passed down spiritually. I am grateful that God brought them to my attention and also showed me his grace and power that certain chains and curses were broken off of my life. They required my full attention and submission to the obedience of Christ.
The debate is not whether it is possible, my concern is how we treat one another and others that we consider in our own minds to be different. I speak to youth on a regular basis and one of the things that I tell them is that their uniqueness is not a weakness, it’s our trademark. Every single one of us was made to be different and we miss out on our greatest days when compare ourselves to others. We also miss out on meeting some of the greatest most talented people in our lives because of our prejudices against those with disabilities.
An example you ask? I am glad you did! Let’s look at John 9. Jesus heals a man BORN blind. While walking with him they come upon a blind man and his disciples ask “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?”(vs2) Jesus says in (vs3) “Neither this man nor his parents sinned,” said Jesus, “but this happened so that the works of God might be displayed in him. Jesus does things a differently and spits in the dirt, rubs in on this mans eyes and tells him to go wash them. When the mad does so, he opens his eyes and can see. People, once they notice this, asked him over and over what happened, if he was indeed the young man that was born blind. Never mind the miracle! They were more concerned with how this could be, I mean, after all his parents had to be sinners right? In vs 16 it states, But others asked, “How can a sinner perform such signs?” So they were divided. The pharisees take it further and call in his parents to ask if their son was really born that way and they confirm that indeed he was.
WHOA! The focus is on everything else EXCEPT the miracle that was just performed on a man that was born this way. NO ONE SINNED FOLKS!!! Why are we hunting for a sinner? Someone has to be, so they focus in on Jesus. Yes they question our Savior….
The ultimate answer comes from the man healed:
30The man answered, “Now that is remarkable! You don’t know where he comes from, yet he opened my eyes.
31 We know that God does not listen to sinners. He listens to the godly person who does his will.
32 Nobody has ever heard of opening the eyes of a man born blind.
33 If this man were not from God, he could do nothing.”
34 To this they replied, “You were steeped in sin at birth; how dare you lecture us!” And they threw him out.
There is so much happening in this chapter that it blows my mind!
I have a very close family member that is mentally handicapped. To say that he is anything less than a blessing or a result of someone’s sin is an insult. Just like I love and learn from you, the same thing happens in his presence. When I was in my early 20’s, I worked for an organization that served young and older adults that were diagnosed with everything from autism to severe mental disabilities. I learned so many lessons in that season of my life. I saw them work (harder than most may I add), learn, laugh, cry, love, and serve God just as we all desire to.
If we choose to believe the whole bible, then we must believe the scripture that states:
Psalm 139:
13 For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. 14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.
This is why it is so important that we are careful not to judge others on things we don’t know, because there are times where God does things to display his glory! You are a display of his love and grace, WE are all a display of his love and grace.
Jesus never labeled this young man or his family as sinners, the church did! God is no respector of persons, we care. We care about what we see and form our own opinions based on our judgment of others. The truth is we are all sinners saved by grace, so who gets to determine if what God made is not worthy of the same respect and honor that you feel you deserve?
There is nothing this woman can’t do! She has the voice that will make you cry and the lyrics that will make you think about your walk with Christ. I know it makes me think for sure! We are so excited to have Keyondra Lockett coming to Buffalo NY to sit with me on The Mercedes Wilson Show. To sit with her is such an honor. We get talk God, career, music, and so much more. What are Keyondra’s topics of choice you may ask? She is very passionate about modest dressing and church hurt. You don’t want to miss out on this interview and we will keep you posted on air dates and times.
We want to extend our excitement and invite you to come and meet her too! After her taping, she wants to meet her fans. So email or inbox us on Facebook (The Mercedes Wilson Show) to register to meet her. *Make sure you like the page while you are there to keep up with all that we have going on.
Not only is Keyondra a gospel queen, but a phenomenal business woman as well. You have to check out all that she is doing with her clothing line, her ethnic dolls deal(https://www.keyondralockett.com/news), and her launch of the Beautiful Experience Campaign to help eradicate breast cancer. Being a breast cancer survivor myself, I say THANK YOU Keyondra.
Keyondra Lockett is a soulful inspirational artist with a Fervor for Kingdom building. Keyondra is one of the original members of gospel group Zie’l and shares the accomplishment of two time Stellar Award Nominee. Keyondra has shared the stage with artist such as Yolanda Adams, Karen Clark, Kierra Sheard, The Clark Sisters, Livrè, Tye Tribett, Kirk Franklin, Mary Mary, The Walls Group, Alexis Spight and many more. Keyondra has co-written with great producers such as Stellar Award Winner Derek DC Clark, Anson Dawkins, Stellar Award Winner, Grammy Nominee and multi Stellar Award Winner BSlade, Jor’Dan Armstrong and TedyP Williams.
The mission of the Mercedes Wilson Show is to talk topics in today’s church will open your eyes and draw you closer to Christ. Show ideas? Email us at tmws@mercedesewilson.com
Also: Check out our YouTube Channel for past interviews that will make you think for sure:https://youtu.be/bBaqAnYZO3c
As a Christian, it is known, and I agree, that the most powerful thing in the bible is when God sent his only son to die for our sins. After all, this is the reason that we can all profess to be Christians right?
The fact that someone came and took my place in all of my sin is powerful. I have chance after chance after chance (I could say that forever) to get it right and please God with my heart (and physical) actions of obedience. It’s amazing to think that WE were so desired by our Creator that he wrapped himself in flesh in form of His son Jesus and paid the ultimate sacrifice. Yes! He wanted to connect with us that much! It’s unheard of and there will not be another like Him. It is that same blood that was shed on the cross that allows every single one of us to make mistakes, repent, grow, and still fulfill what we were put here to do.
I want to talk about another part of the bible that gets me every time. It’s ONE VERSE: Genesis 1: 3- And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. We have all heard it in church. We have heard creation read to us. It’s often a pre curser to talk about Adam and Eve or how awesome God is for creating so many different types of creatures, OR, the big one, to talk about how we have dominion over the fish of the sea and every creepy crawly thing right?
Reread it: Genesis 1: 3- And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
The bible starts out talking about how there is darkness on the face of the earth…did it hit you yet?
Imagine not seeing a single thing, just darkness, and with a few spoken words there is something you see developing in that same place of desolation. Think about your life, family, job, ministry, friends……what lies in the midst of the darkness that you can’t see? So much!
The authority that it takes to look into darkness and create all that the bible describes afterwards should blow our minds. The ability to look into a situation that is desolate and start pulling things out of it, the ability to see light in the midst of darkness, and the ability to call that light forward, takes authority.
So many of us are in a dark place in one area or another…..maybe confused, maybe hurt by life’s circumstances, or just plain tired! Take an example from our source, see and create some light IN HIS STRENGTH. You know the One who created them both and when it was time, spoke to the darkness, created the light, and then pulled out of a void earth all that we see today for resources. You know the One with the authority. I love Gods creativity, sense of humor, and ability to help us see light in a dark place.
You may ask, how do I see and create some light in God’s strength? In some cases, it’s kind words to a very tense relationship (there’s scriptures for that), sometimes it’s silence (there’s scriptures for this as well), and sometimes it’s getting direction on what the next move should be for your teenager. It may even be linking up with someone who has been there and done that to get pure wisdom(Read your bible!! This is in there too!).
Speaking light in the darkness is the 2nd most powerful action in the Bible, in my opinion. To take nothing and make it something spectacular is mind blowing when you have no blue print to go off of to begin with. I have heard and love the saying a clear mind is a creative mind. When you can cast your cares on God and realize that it’s in Him that we gain our strength, there is a wave of peace and clarity that can overtake you. Whatever you are carrying, give it to him, I promise you won’t be disappointed! Ask for help in your dark place and then open your eyes and look at it again. When those around you ask HOW? Let your answer forever be ” I get if from my daddy”. You get the authority to change situations from your daddy! You get the ability to see and transform things in your life (through work and obedience) from your daddy. You get the strength to carry out the plan from your daddy.
What do you see in the dark desolate place now that you have given it to God? I am not speaking of any God, only the One that has engraved you on the palms of his hands and has our walls are ever before him(Isaiah 49:16). Let that sink in.
The Mercedes Wilson Show is airing on The NOW Network starting Feb 26, 2019. Learn how you can support, stay up on the latest news, and get your copy of Hope today to find out how God turned my darkest hours into my testimony: http://mercedesewilson.com
Happy New Year everyone! I hope that you are all pursuing your dreams like never before and that it started before the New Year.
2018 was a crazy year for me, and to top it all off, I joined the Now Network! The Now Network is a urban christian station that airs in states such as Tennessee, Kansas, South Caroline, Florida, Georgia, Detroit and more. It also airs in Roku TV and Klowd TV for those outside of those states listed above.
This happening blows my mind. You want to know why? I am so glad you asked……1. Last year was a busy and rough year for me. Everyone assumes that the person they are watching has it easier than them. Well, he/she is doing well so the red carpet must have been laid for them correct? That could not be any further from the truth! Building relationships is key. If you do bad business or treat people bad, you most likely won’t get very far. Relationships mean that there will be times that you disagree and still have to work with others with a smile. Respect is not out of date and it never will be. Disagreements don’t mean that you cut people off. They mean just the opposite, you learn to compromise and become a well rounded person! I learned a lot about others, and more importantly, about myself. I learned that there are other views besides mine that matter and that I was robbing myself of growth.
2. I had to change a lot. I got to connect with a lot of great people and approached these relationships with a humble heart. When surrounded by others full of wisdom, I come to life! I love to learn. I want to learn as much as I can by watching and talking to others. This also means taking constructive criticism about what I can get better at. It was very frustrating at times, but I am so grateful now that I have this awesome opportunity in front of me. The pieces are coming together, but it took work!
The bottom line is, that in the last year we have all taken some hits and learned some grave lessons. Guess what though?? We are still here and have work to do!!!
Katherine Lucas (Photos courtesy Ally Spongr)
Jon Ferrari (Photos courtesy Ally Spongr)
I started out my 2018 having the Mercedes Wilson Show on a radio station here in Buffalo NY and now I am so excited to announce that it will be on the Now Network!!! This was not happenstance, this took work. While speaking with a mentor I was told about Buffalo Video Production, owned by the great Katherine Lucas. Her and I spoke and when I told her of the vision, she was immediately on board. This partnership is so important to me for several reasons, but one of the top reasons is how she operates in business. The professionalism is unmatched. Along with her knowledge and integrity, she truly believes in this show. Jon Ferrari, will be the editor of The Mercedes Wilson Show, and his work makes me grin from ear to ear. It’s amazing to get to work with people that care about their work and make sure that it represents exactly who you are! Producing the show, along with myself, is one of the best in the business…Caprice Butts! Her resume speaks for itself and I am delighted to work with her and watch this show grow leaps and bounds.
Our production assistant is Tamika Maclin. Her personality is perfect and describing her as a “people person” is an understatement. Working as account executive, Tianna Anderson. Her work speaks for itself. Working on our media is Tamyara Brown, a 7 time author and media guru. We are excited and ready to work!!!
I write all of this to express my excitement about my show, invite you to watch it (every Tuesday at 1:30-2pm on the Now Network starting Feb 26, 2019), and encourage you. The hard times don’t mean that it’s over, they mean that growth is required for the stuff that is about to come! You can NOT be elevated and stay the way you are! Stay humble, hungry, and build those relationships!
Thank you for your prayers, financial support, and kind words! It’s time to work!!!!